Hal Womack 3-dan
2013-09-07 22:34:29 UTC
9/7: #2
I now repeat my proposal of two days ago [#1 below] that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria should quickly challenge Barracks Obomber to debate the issues outstanding between their two countries before the wretched war-mongering jootool blows up anything else.
Does Mr. Assad act on this humble suggestion of mine then IMHO he will be effectively grabbing B.O. by the shoulders in order rightly & roughly to shove the former Harvard law professor into the corner of an inescapable dilemma. Does Barry accept the challenge from Syria, then Assad can gut "Number 44" like a fish on live television before what may be the largest audience in world history. I say this confidently despite B.O's considerable personal gifts as a speaker, in sharpest contrast to his immediate predecessor in office BTW, because the American "President" has such a terrible case to present and an even worse record behind it.
OTOH does POTUS run away from the proposed rational confrontation, as we would expect of a JAR [see below, Glossary] hand puppet and as C.I.A. Papa Bush the First did in response to a similar challenge from President Saddam Hussein of Iraq in 1990 [which I personally in those pre-Internet days had also proposed to Saddam by telegraph, as has been documented], then our whole Human Race --except, as ever of course, for KinkHenKi's most servile shit-lickers like David Cameron & Francois Hollande-- will hold its nose in disgust that Drone Boy is eager to robot-bomb some of the oldest surviving cities on Earth while at the same time he pisses himself out of fear of having to defend his latest feverishly-sought crime in fair debate. 'Tis only reasonable that true public examination be a Lose - Lose proposition for a murderous liar. Right, Mr. Obama? Hence the origin of the ancient proverb "Tell the truth and shame the Devil".
The Syrian may wish beforehand to make special efforts to assure that any refusal by Obomber to debate would speedily draw the deserved strong public condemnation by all responsible world leaders.
One step that President Assad may wish to take prior to issuing his public challenge = conferring with the leaders of Iran, Russia, China, the Vatican and other friendly states concerning his impending step. Assad's aim herein being to secure the promise of live TV coverage for the program in their several domains --regardless of which way Obomber jumps on the debate decision. Then does B.O. shamefully hide his guilty face, Mr. Assad can announce the format of his duly morphed "Empty Chair Debate". Given the glaring absence of USGov officials on the stage, Mr. Assad might wish to invite some suitable replacement to sit in for them --maybe even a certain retired taxi driver from San Francisco, who knows? I mean, my friends, an honest man can dream large, eh what?
A first point of protocol here: The USA population exceeds that of Syria by a factor of ~14.4 [#2]. Consequently Mr. Assad may indicate that he would be willing to face Secretary of State John Kerry as a substitute for the Prez or maybe even merely the U.S. State Department desk officer for Syria. Obomber, however, is obviously spending so much time beating his war drums against Syria as greatly to reduce the plausibility of his personally begging off from the confrontation on the otherwise pertinent grounds of the comparative magnitude of his realm.
Second point re protocol: We are talking about a true debate between principals rather than the deformed modern American T.V. malpractice of having chosen newsclowns throw guppies to dolphins under the swiped label of "presidential debate". I am thinking of a program length of something like an hour and a half --or only one hour if pressed-- in which the two speakers exchange statements and perhaps allow also some time to question each other. The righteous party will naturally be open to timely negotiation in good faith for the particulars.
This brings us to a further important point of preparation by President Assad: Let him confer with the afore-mentioned friendly leaders & with their I.T. boffins about creating on-line fora wherein the world T.V. audience can actively participate in the continuing debate of the issues of war, peace & criminal guilt.
Especially in the last decade, the Jewish despotism in the form of their SOTSie bosses have gone to great lengths to destroy the Usenet & its ~100,00 newsgroups, which otherwise would have been the convenient venue for mass follow-up, for example, "talk.politics.mideast". As I have proposed for many years already, either a twin or a troika set-up would serve the purpose of making possible general on-line global discussion by intellectual leaders & attentive thinkers in all countries. The absolutely open newsgroup would allow anyone whomsoever to post, including anonymously. The moderated aka censored ng would be accept posts only from those figures recognized by the owners of the ng --Assad & Co should B.O. funk the debate or otherwise the two Presidents & their agreed associates jointly. Although the usual malefactors might dump a lot of garbage on the open ng, it could still help to keep the censored one honest. Should the Syrian-led alliance which we have envisioned take the trouble, then we might be able to create a third, intermediate group called "registered". This would be open to posts from all those who had identified themselves satisfactorily to the sponsoring authority. Since the jish Usenet saboteurs are overwhelmingly anonymous, the registered ng might offer a pleasing balance of spectrum of opinion and quality of comment. Should President Assad & friends wish to stir themselves to launch such an innovation, then they may thereby give the death-blow to JAPE's dinosaur propaganda alias "Mainstream News Media" and revolutionize the free thinking and free speech of our whole Rainbow Race, Seven Billion Strong, currently under threat to its life from the fanatically Jew-dominated Pentagon.
OR http://tinyurl.com/ldj88jx
12:17 AM (2 minutes ago) [Thursday 20130905 @ 07:21 hrz (Zulu)]
talk.politics.mideast ›
President Assad To Debate Obomber On-line TV?
[I ecirculated this post to some three score contacts of varying degrees of eminence, one of whom was kind enough to praise it, say that he had forwarded it to the White House.]
USA current pop = 316,590,000. Ranked in 3rd place after China & India.
Syria (U.N. estimate) = 21,898,000. Ranked
in 54th place out of 242 entities.
Thanks to Brass Check TV I have just been introduced to the Corbett Report, which has very favorably impressed me.
GLOSSARY 20121010:
AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You"
APM = “As Previously Mentioned”
AFTOC = “After a Fair Trial, Of Course”
CIB = “Composition In Brief”, i.e. only short time available.
DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent = _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word _ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in meaning to our English "Amen!"
F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress
FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
GABI = “Grin And Bear It”
GREPA = "Global REvolutionary Police Action".
_hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a "hasbarat".
HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
HP = 1. “Hang HenKi by his Pinkie”.
2. "Haiphong Posse".
HenKi = Henry Kissinger
hrz = Zulu Time, formerly "GMT", now aka "CUT" or "UTC" for something-or-other from a committee.
IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, “JAPE”)
JJ = joojingo
joopo = Jewish Secret Police
JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
MLG = “Murdering Little Girls”.
MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
Nolan = "NOLAstName", as in "Jessica Nolan" of
Subject: Peyote for Pratchett?
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:08:21 -0700
ODC's = “Occupied & Destroyed Countries”.
OFD = “One Fine Day”
OP = "Originating Post"
PBAT = "Please Be Advised That"
PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".
PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985 burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in the process.
STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".
SOTS = "Sons Of The Stern" gang. Yes, that's a soft "gee" at the end there, eh? Also "SOTSi" to rhyme with the obvious, as in "SOTSis now much worse than were Nazis back when."
T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
Thread Protocol Nomenclature:
OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
TOC = "Time Of Composition"
UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
wark = from War Kriminal,
plural = "warx"
WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"
WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.
YKA = "You Knew Already" ?
[Before returning to Washington, Mr. Obama acknowledged facing a difficult task to persuade Congress. “I knew this was going to be a heavy lift,” he said. “I was under no illusions when I embarked on this path. But I think it’s the right thing to do. I think it’s good for our democracy. We will be more effective if we are unified going forward.”
The Syria dispute came to dominate the Group of 20 meeting, ostensibly focused mainly on economic matters, and underscored the difficulty Mr. Obama has faced with Mr. Putin in recent months.]
Official U.S. Government Web Portal Gateway to government sites
House Official site of the United States House of Representatives
Senate Official site of the United States Senate
White House Official site of the President of the United States
Supreme Court Official site of the Supreme Court of the United States
SYRIA = 0 Syrian Govt referrals.
[“What kind of Democracy do you have that your President can ignore the will of the American public?” this observer is frequently asked.]
Franklin Lamb
To appreciate the quality of the USA as a "democracy", let the reader call to mind the image of a gunship obliterating a wedding party.
In reality the USA has been a despotism of the Jewish secret police since September of 1935, when Bernard Baruch succeeded in assassinating one the last great American political leaders, Senator Huey P. Long of Louisiana. Going on fifty years ago now, on 22nd November 1963, Baruch & David Ben Gurion further pulled off the biggest Jewish coup d'etat in history by assassinating President John F. Kennedy. Four years later the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty proved --and was intended to prove-- that Lyndon Baines Johnson was an utterly corrupt jootool. The SOTSie secret police & commandos have since assassinated hundreds of political leaders in the USA, including in this category the extremely rare honest journalists such as Gary Webb and Michael Hastings. The USA today qualifies as a democracy on in the same sense that a land mine may be called a lawn ornament.
This exposure of basic nomenclature needs further detailed treatment and worldwide acceptance by masses & by leaders.
SEPTEMBER 05, 2013
Breeding Resentment and a Lust for Revenge
We Must Not be the World’s Policeman
[To be sure, Assad is a criminal. But the U.S. government’s record on the world’s stage hardly qualifies it for any merit badges.]
Sheldon Richman is vice president and editor at The Future of Freedom Foundation in Fairfax, Va. (www.fff.org).]
In the 1990's I said repeatedly that the then President of Iraq Saddam Hussein was Santa Claus compared to the likes of the Bushes & Clintons. Whereas the Fake Liberals were ever so piously wringing their claws about Saddam's supposed wickedness, while expressing their dainty reservations about USGov war moves. WRMEA was one example of such a back-stabbing betrayal. The passage of years has more than justified my one-liner.
We the Human Race do indeed need to police our Planet. We can do so only by throwing under the jail the big warx misled by KinkHenKi, Obomber, Sulzberger & Kabal. President Bashar al-Assad seems to rank as a noble leader whereas the USGov under Jewish domination has murdered on the order 30,000,000 [thirty million] victims since 1946 [ref Gideon Polya PhD of Melbourne].
SEPTEMBER 05, 2013
Support the Troops?
A Brutal Arrest of Iraq War Vet at Anti-Syria Rally
In the article above, Lindorff provides some useful info re the woman veteran & banjo player. But labeling a solidarity rally as "Anti-Syria" in the title reminds us that Lindorff has a) previously bragged on his own Jewish identity and b) called China a "real" police state as opposed to the USA. Lindorff an instructive example of the infestation of the supposed American "left" by jish agents of influence.
The War On Syria And Noam Chomsky
By Ghali Hassan
A critique of Noam Chomsky's position on Syria
[ref. JP Sottile]
"Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them." - Mark Twain (1835-1910), American author and satirist
"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged." - Noam Chomsky
"Even a blind sow finds a truffle once in a while."
[Speaking to his human rights council Wednesday, Putin said, "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans), and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad."
Putin has criticized Obama administration claims that Bashar Assad's government attacked the rebels with chemical weapons.]
Thanks to Brass Check TV I have just been introduced to the Corbett Report, which has very favorably impressed me.
END --30--
9/7: #2
I now repeat my proposal of two days ago [#1 below] that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria should quickly challenge Barracks Obomber to debate the issues outstanding between their two countries before the wretched war-mongering jootool blows up anything else.
Does Mr. Assad act on this humble suggestion of mine then IMHO he will be effectively grabbing B.O. by the shoulders in order rightly & roughly to shove the former Harvard law professor into the corner of an inescapable dilemma. Does Barry accept the challenge from Syria, then Assad can gut "Number 44" like a fish on live television before what may be the largest audience in world history. I say this confidently despite B.O's considerable personal gifts as a speaker, in sharpest contrast to his immediate predecessor in office BTW, because the American "President" has such a terrible case to present and an even worse record behind it.
OTOH does POTUS run away from the proposed rational confrontation, as we would expect of a JAR [see below, Glossary] hand puppet and as C.I.A. Papa Bush the First did in response to a similar challenge from President Saddam Hussein of Iraq in 1990 [which I personally in those pre-Internet days had also proposed to Saddam by telegraph, as has been documented], then our whole Human Race --except, as ever of course, for KinkHenKi's most servile shit-lickers like David Cameron & Francois Hollande-- will hold its nose in disgust that Drone Boy is eager to robot-bomb some of the oldest surviving cities on Earth while at the same time he pisses himself out of fear of having to defend his latest feverishly-sought crime in fair debate. 'Tis only reasonable that true public examination be a Lose - Lose proposition for a murderous liar. Right, Mr. Obama? Hence the origin of the ancient proverb "Tell the truth and shame the Devil".
The Syrian may wish beforehand to make special efforts to assure that any refusal by Obomber to debate would speedily draw the deserved strong public condemnation by all responsible world leaders.
One step that President Assad may wish to take prior to issuing his public challenge = conferring with the leaders of Iran, Russia, China, the Vatican and other friendly states concerning his impending step. Assad's aim herein being to secure the promise of live TV coverage for the program in their several domains --regardless of which way Obomber jumps on the debate decision. Then does B.O. shamefully hide his guilty face, Mr. Assad can announce the format of his duly morphed "Empty Chair Debate". Given the glaring absence of USGov officials on the stage, Mr. Assad might wish to invite some suitable replacement to sit in for them --maybe even a certain retired taxi driver from San Francisco, who knows? I mean, my friends, an honest man can dream large, eh what?
A first point of protocol here: The USA population exceeds that of Syria by a factor of ~14.4 [#2]. Consequently Mr. Assad may indicate that he would be willing to face Secretary of State John Kerry as a substitute for the Prez or maybe even merely the U.S. State Department desk officer for Syria. Obomber, however, is obviously spending so much time beating his war drums against Syria as greatly to reduce the plausibility of his personally begging off from the confrontation on the otherwise pertinent grounds of the comparative magnitude of his realm.
Second point re protocol: We are talking about a true debate between principals rather than the deformed modern American T.V. malpractice of having chosen newsclowns throw guppies to dolphins under the swiped label of "presidential debate". I am thinking of a program length of something like an hour and a half --or only one hour if pressed-- in which the two speakers exchange statements and perhaps allow also some time to question each other. The righteous party will naturally be open to timely negotiation in good faith for the particulars.
This brings us to a further important point of preparation by President Assad: Let him confer with the afore-mentioned friendly leaders & with their I.T. boffins about creating on-line fora wherein the world T.V. audience can actively participate in the continuing debate of the issues of war, peace & criminal guilt.
Especially in the last decade, the Jewish despotism in the form of their SOTSie bosses have gone to great lengths to destroy the Usenet & its ~100,00 newsgroups, which otherwise would have been the convenient venue for mass follow-up, for example, "talk.politics.mideast". As I have proposed for many years already, either a twin or a troika set-up would serve the purpose of making possible general on-line global discussion by intellectual leaders & attentive thinkers in all countries. The absolutely open newsgroup would allow anyone whomsoever to post, including anonymously. The moderated aka censored ng would be accept posts only from those figures recognized by the owners of the ng --Assad & Co should B.O. funk the debate or otherwise the two Presidents & their agreed associates jointly. Although the usual malefactors might dump a lot of garbage on the open ng, it could still help to keep the censored one honest. Should the Syrian-led alliance which we have envisioned take the trouble, then we might be able to create a third, intermediate group called "registered". This would be open to posts from all those who had identified themselves satisfactorily to the sponsoring authority. Since the jish Usenet saboteurs are overwhelmingly anonymous, the registered ng might offer a pleasing balance of spectrum of opinion and quality of comment. Should President Assad & friends wish to stir themselves to launch such an innovation, then they may thereby give the death-blow to JAPE's dinosaur propaganda alias "Mainstream News Media" and revolutionize the free thinking and free speech of our whole Rainbow Race, Seven Billion Strong, currently under threat to its life from the fanatically Jew-dominated Pentagon.
OR http://tinyurl.com/ldj88jx
12:17 AM (2 minutes ago) [Thursday 20130905 @ 07:21 hrz (Zulu)]
talk.politics.mideast ›
President Assad To Debate Obomber On-line TV?
[I ecirculated this post to some three score contacts of varying degrees of eminence, one of whom was kind enough to praise it, say that he had forwarded it to the White House.]
USA current pop = 316,590,000. Ranked in 3rd place after China & India.
Syria (U.N. estimate) = 21,898,000. Ranked
in 54th place out of 242 entities.
Thanks to Brass Check TV I have just been introduced to the Corbett Report, which has very favorably impressed me.
GLOSSARY 20121010:
AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You"
APM = “As Previously Mentioned”
AFTOC = “After a Fair Trial, Of Course”
CIB = “Composition In Brief”, i.e. only short time available.
DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent = _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word _ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in meaning to our English "Amen!"
F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress
FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
GABI = “Grin And Bear It”
GREPA = "Global REvolutionary Police Action".
_hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a "hasbarat".
HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
HP = 1. “Hang HenKi by his Pinkie”.
2. "Haiphong Posse".
HenKi = Henry Kissinger
hrz = Zulu Time, formerly "GMT", now aka "CUT" or "UTC" for something-or-other from a committee.
IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, “JAPE”)
JJ = joojingo
joopo = Jewish Secret Police
JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
MLG = “Murdering Little Girls”.
MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
Nolan = "NOLAstName", as in "Jessica Nolan" of
Subject: Peyote for Pratchett?
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:08:21 -0700
ODC's = “Occupied & Destroyed Countries”.
OFD = “One Fine Day”
OP = "Originating Post"
PBAT = "Please Be Advised That"
PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".
PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985 burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in the process.
STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".
SOTS = "Sons Of The Stern" gang. Yes, that's a soft "gee" at the end there, eh? Also "SOTSi" to rhyme with the obvious, as in "SOTSis now much worse than were Nazis back when."
T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
Thread Protocol Nomenclature:
OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
TOC = "Time Of Composition"
UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
wark = from War Kriminal,
plural = "warx"
WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"
WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.
YKA = "You Knew Already" ?
[Before returning to Washington, Mr. Obama acknowledged facing a difficult task to persuade Congress. “I knew this was going to be a heavy lift,” he said. “I was under no illusions when I embarked on this path. But I think it’s the right thing to do. I think it’s good for our democracy. We will be more effective if we are unified going forward.”
The Syria dispute came to dominate the Group of 20 meeting, ostensibly focused mainly on economic matters, and underscored the difficulty Mr. Obama has faced with Mr. Putin in recent months.]
Official U.S. Government Web Portal Gateway to government sites
House Official site of the United States House of Representatives
Senate Official site of the United States Senate
White House Official site of the President of the United States
Supreme Court Official site of the Supreme Court of the United States
SYRIA = 0 Syrian Govt referrals.
[“What kind of Democracy do you have that your President can ignore the will of the American public?” this observer is frequently asked.]
Franklin Lamb
To appreciate the quality of the USA as a "democracy", let the reader call to mind the image of a gunship obliterating a wedding party.
In reality the USA has been a despotism of the Jewish secret police since September of 1935, when Bernard Baruch succeeded in assassinating one the last great American political leaders, Senator Huey P. Long of Louisiana. Going on fifty years ago now, on 22nd November 1963, Baruch & David Ben Gurion further pulled off the biggest Jewish coup d'etat in history by assassinating President John F. Kennedy. Four years later the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty proved --and was intended to prove-- that Lyndon Baines Johnson was an utterly corrupt jootool. The SOTSie secret police & commandos have since assassinated hundreds of political leaders in the USA, including in this category the extremely rare honest journalists such as Gary Webb and Michael Hastings. The USA today qualifies as a democracy on in the same sense that a land mine may be called a lawn ornament.
This exposure of basic nomenclature needs further detailed treatment and worldwide acceptance by masses & by leaders.
SEPTEMBER 05, 2013
Breeding Resentment and a Lust for Revenge
We Must Not be the World’s Policeman
[To be sure, Assad is a criminal. But the U.S. government’s record on the world’s stage hardly qualifies it for any merit badges.]
Sheldon Richman is vice president and editor at The Future of Freedom Foundation in Fairfax, Va. (www.fff.org).]
In the 1990's I said repeatedly that the then President of Iraq Saddam Hussein was Santa Claus compared to the likes of the Bushes & Clintons. Whereas the Fake Liberals were ever so piously wringing their claws about Saddam's supposed wickedness, while expressing their dainty reservations about USGov war moves. WRMEA was one example of such a back-stabbing betrayal. The passage of years has more than justified my one-liner.
We the Human Race do indeed need to police our Planet. We can do so only by throwing under the jail the big warx misled by KinkHenKi, Obomber, Sulzberger & Kabal. President Bashar al-Assad seems to rank as a noble leader whereas the USGov under Jewish domination has murdered on the order 30,000,000 [thirty million] victims since 1946 [ref Gideon Polya PhD of Melbourne].
SEPTEMBER 05, 2013
Support the Troops?
A Brutal Arrest of Iraq War Vet at Anti-Syria Rally
In the article above, Lindorff provides some useful info re the woman veteran & banjo player. But labeling a solidarity rally as "Anti-Syria" in the title reminds us that Lindorff has a) previously bragged on his own Jewish identity and b) called China a "real" police state as opposed to the USA. Lindorff an instructive example of the infestation of the supposed American "left" by jish agents of influence.
The War On Syria And Noam Chomsky
By Ghali Hassan
A critique of Noam Chomsky's position on Syria
[ref. JP Sottile]
"Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them." - Mark Twain (1835-1910), American author and satirist
"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged." - Noam Chomsky
"Even a blind sow finds a truffle once in a while."
[Speaking to his human rights council Wednesday, Putin said, "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans), and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad."
Putin has criticized Obama administration claims that Bashar Assad's government attacked the rebels with chemical weapons.]
Thanks to Brass Check TV I have just been introduced to the Corbett Report, which has very favorably impressed me.
END --30--